Se sei stanco dell'interfaccia utente di Windows(Windows user) e sei stanco delle sue opzioni di personalizzazione predefinite(default customization) , forse è il momento di provare alcuni pacchetti di personalizzazione. Uno dei modi migliori per rendere unico il tuo desktop(desktop look unique) è scaricare, installare e utilizzare un nuovo tema del cursore del mouse(mouse cursor theme) . Ci sono molti cursori interessanti disponibili su Internet. In questo articolo, condivideremo con te trenta dei migliori schemi di puntatori del mouse gratuiti per (mouse pointer)Windows , che puoi utilizzare per migliorare la grafica del tuo sistema operativo(operating system) . Iniziamo:
NOTA:(NOTE:) è possibile installare e utilizzare i seguenti cursori personalizzati in Windows 10 , Windows 7 e Windows 8.1. Per assicurarci che siano al sicuro, li abbiamo scansionati con ESET Internet Security . Se non sai come installare gli schemi del cursore del mouse(mouse cursor) , puoi trovare collegamenti a tutorial con istruzioni dettagliate, alla fine di questo articolo.
1. Cursori Numix
Questo è il nostro set preferito di cursori del mouse personalizzati per (custom mouse)PC Windows(Windows PCs) . I puntatori Numix(Numix) sono lisci ed eleganti e hanno un aspetto completamente professionale. Inoltre, il pacchetto include le versioni chiare e scure dei cursori e anche i file install.inf che puoi eseguire per installare facilmente il tema del cursore del mouse(mouse cursor theme) che preferisci.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Cursori Numix(Numix Cursors)
2. Polare
Il pacchetto Polar Cursor(Polar Cursor pack) è stato ispirato da un tema del cursore personalizzato(custom cursor theme) simile per Linux . Presenta puntatori del mouse bianchi con edizioni rosse, verdi e blu per alcuni cursori. Hanno forme piuttosto spesse e ombre scure ma sono bellissime. Dai un'occhiata ai cursori nello screenshot qui sotto e, se ti piacciono, scaricali e installali utilizzando i file inf forniti.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) cursore polare(Polar Cursor)
3. Cursori di ossigeno
Creato per KDE , questo set di cursori del mouse(mouse cursor) è stato portato su Windows ed è uno dei set di puntatori del mouse(mouse pointer) più famosi di tutti i tempi su DeviantArt . Questo set contiene 37 diverse combinazioni di colori.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) cursori di ossigeno(Oxygen Cursors) .
4. Breeze Cursori per Windows
KDE è uno degli ambienti desktop più popolari e belli per Linux . Pertanto, ha anche alcuni dei migliori temi per il cursore del mouse(mouse cursor) che puoi trovare. Questo è ciò che ha ispirato il pacchetto Breeze Cursors per Windows(Windows pack) . Presenta puntatori grigi con bordi bianchi e alcune variazioni arancioni e blu. Dai un'occhiata nello screenshot qui sotto e, se ti piacciono, scaricali e installali. Sfortunatamente, questo pacchetto non ha un file inf(inf file) , quindi imposterai manualmente ciascuno dei cursori (puoi trovare le istruzioni alla fine di questa guida).

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Breeze Cursori per Windows(Breeze Cursors for Windows)
5. Cursori personalizzati EvolutionOS(EvolutionOS Custom Cursors) per Windows
Sei(Are) un fan di macOS ? Sei passato di recente a un PC Windows 10 ? (Did)Forse ti piacerebbe usare dei cursori che assomigliano a quelli del tuo Mac . Questo è ciò che ti offre EvolutionOS Custom Cursors per Windows . I puntatori del mouse hanno un bell'aspetto, ma devi installarli uno per uno (come spiegato alla fine di questo articolo) perché il pacchetto non include un file di installazione INF(INF installer) .

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) EvolutionOS Custom Cursors per Windows(EvolutionOS Custom Cursors for Windows)
6. Cursori del materiale Android (blu)
Se sei un fan di Android(Android fan) e ami molto il design dei materiali di (material design)Google , forse ti piacerà un assaggio anche sul tuo computer Windows 10, utilizzando lo schema Android Material Cursors . Fortunatamente, viene fornito anche con un file INF(INF file) , quindi è facile installarlo.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Cursori di materiale Android(Android Material Cursors) .
7. CGC
GTCC è un pacchetto cursore personalizzato(custom cursor pack) che offre puntatori puliti e monocromatici per Windows . I puntatori sono grigi e hanno un aspetto curvo, a differenza della maggior parte degli altri cursori nel nostro elenco. La loro forma ha attirato la nostra attenzione e, poiché ci sono piaciuti, crediamo che potrebbero farlo anche alcuni di voi. Inoltre, puoi installarli facilmente sul tuo PC Windows eseguendo il file install.inf(install.inf file) incluso nel pacchetto.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) GTCC - cursore per Windows(GTCC - cursor for Windows)
8. Cursori El Capitan per Windows
Un altro pacchetto di cursori del mouse(mouse cursor pack) ispirato a macOS. Ci piace il design semplice e gli indicatori colorati di occupato(Busy) e di lavoro(Working) . Se ti è piaciuta la vecchia versione El Capitan(El Capitan version) di macOS, ti divertirai inevitabilmente con questi cursori personalizzati per Windows . Dovresti anche sapere che questo pacchetto è facile da installare: fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse o tocca(right-click or tap) e tieni premuto sul file install.inf(install.inf file) incluso e scegli Installa(Install) .

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Cursori El Capitan per Windows(El Capitan Cursors for Windows)
9. Set di cursori Metro X
Il pacchetto Metro X(Metro X package) fornisce al tuo computer una serie di cursori del mouse ispirati a Windows 8 . Puoi vederlo nello screenshot qui sotto.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Set di cursori Metro X(Metro X Cursor Set)
10. Cursore DIM
Questo è uno degli schemi di cursore del mouse(mouse cursor) più interessanti nella nostra carrellata. I puntatori DIM(DIM) sono ispirati ai videogiochi e presentano animazioni discrete(feature discreet) che cambiano a seconda di come stai usando il cursore del mouse(mouse cursor) .

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Cursore DIM(DIM Cursor) .
11. Gaia 10
Gaia 10 offre una serie di cursori del mouse splendidamente colorati e dal design elegante. Se stai cercando un tema per il cursore del mouse(mouse cursor theme) rinfrescante, colorato ed ecologico , non puoi sbagliare con questo. Gaia 10 include anche un programma di installazione INF(INF installer) automatizzato per un'installazione più semplice.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Gaia 10 .
12. Semplifica
Semplificare(Simplify) è un tema del cursore del mouse(mouse cursor theme) per tutti coloro che amano le cose semplici e i design minimalisti. I cursori piccoli e semplici inclusi in questo tema hanno un bell'aspetto, sono facili da seguire e si abbinano perfettamente a qualsiasi tema di Windows(Windows theme) che hai impostato sul tuo computer. Simplify ha anche un file INF(INF file) che puoi usare per installare rapidamente i suoi cursori sul tuo sistema.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Semplifica(Simplify) .
13. Vetro cromato
Chrome Glass è un altro tema minimalista del cursore del mouse(minimalist mouse cursor theme) . I suoi puntatori del mouse sono abbastanza simili tra loro, ma con una svolta: ogni volta che tu o il sistema state facendo qualcosa, il cursore del mouse(mouse cursor) cambia colore. Ad esempio, ogni volta che il sistema è occupato, il puntatore personalizzato(custom pointer) cambia il suo colore in rosso. È un modo sottile per sapere quando sta accadendo qualcosa sul tuo computer. Chrome Glass si presenta sotto forma di un file EXE(EXE file) , che devi eseguire come amministratore per installare i cursori sul tuo PC.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Chrome Glass .
14. Pacchetto cursore Gant
Questo set di cursori(cursor set) si basa sul popolare set di icone Gant(Gant icon set) utilizzato per personalizzare Windows , Linux , ecc. Questo set di cursori del mouse contiene due combinazioni di colori: giallo e blu(yellow and blue) , ognuno dei quali ha due set. In altre parole, ci sono un totale di quattro set di cursori del mouse, che si trovano in quattro cartelle separate.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Gant Cursor Pack
15. Ciao cursore
Per coloro che amano il fenomeno mondiale(worldwide phenomenon) che è Hello Kitty , ecco un set di cursori del mouse(mouse cursor) con la simpatica icona giapponese. Questo schema del cursore non contiene un file INF(INF file) . Inoltre non è un set completo, il che significa che ha solo i cursori illustrati nell'immagine sottostante(image below) . Tuttavia, può essere utilizzato se segui i consigli condivisi nella sua descrizione.

Download del cursore del mouse: (Mouse cursor download:) Hello Cursor
Vai alla seconda pagina di questo articolo per trovare altri quindici cursori del mouse per Windows da scaricare. Si ispirano a giochi, film, cartoni animati e altro ancora.
Download the 30 best free mouse cursors for Windows -
Are you bored with the Windows user іnterface? Arе you tired of its default cuѕtomizatіon options? Then maybe іt is tіme for yoυ to make your desktop look unique by downloading, installing, and using a new mouse cursor theme. There are plenty of cool cursors available on the internet. Most of the pointers are animated, some аre excellent for gamіng or inspired bу games, others are simply well-designed and fresh. In this article, we are going to share with you thirty of the best freе mouse pointer schemes for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Let's get started:
NOTE: You can install and use the following custom cursors in Windows 11, Windows 10, as well as older versions. Here’s how to tell what Windows you have. To make sure that the files are safe, we scanned them with ESET Internet Security.
How to install custom mouse cursors in Windows
Mouse schemes downloaded from the internet can usually be installed with the help of a file that is included in the archive file that you download. This file has an INF extension, and it’s usually named install.inf. Once you have downloaded the custom mouse cursor pack (usually a ZIP or RAR file), extract the files to a temporary folder on your computer or device, then follow the instructions from these tutorials, depending on whether the pack includes an INF installer file:
Also, if all you want is to change the size or color of your mouse pointers, not necessarily install custom new ones, read this tutorial: How to change the mouse pointer size and color in Windows.
Now, let’s look at what we think are the best free mouse pointers out there:
1. Numix Cursors
This is our favorite set of custom mouse cursors for Windows PCs. Numix pointers are smooth, elegant, and look entirely professional. Furthermore, the pack includes both dark and light versions of the cursors, and also install.inf files that you can run to easily install the mouse cursor theme you prefer.

Numix cursor pack
Mouse cursor download: Numix Cursors
2. Oxygen Cursors
Created for KDE, this mouse cursor set was ported to Windows and is one of the most famous mouse pointer sets of all time on DeviantArt. The set contains 37 different color schemes.

Oxygen Cursors
Mouse cursor download: Oxygen Cursors
3. Breeze Cursors for Windows
KDE is one of the most popular and beautiful desktop environments for Linux. Therefore, it also has some of the best mouse cursor themes you can find. That's what inspired the Breeze Cursors for Windows pack. It features gray pointers with white borders and some orange and blue variations. Take a look at them in the screenshot below and, if you like them, download and install them. Unfortunately, this pack does not have an INF file, so you have to set each of the cursors manually.

Breeze Cursors for Windows
Mouse cursor download: Breeze Cursors for Windows
4. macOS cursor pack for Windows
Are you a fan of MacOS? Did you recently switch to a Windows PC? Maybe you'd like to use some cursors that resemble the ones on your Mac. That's what macOS cursor pack for Windows gives you.
The mouse pointers look great, and there are different sizes and types to choose from.

macOS cursor pack for Windows
To download the cursor pack, go to the following webpage, tap or click on the green Code button, then on Download ZIP: macOS-cursors-for-Windows: With 2 types and 3 different sizes.
5. Windows 11 Cursors Concept v2
Since we presented a cursor pack similar to the ones used on macOS, it seems fair to show you one made specifically for Windows 11. The cursors come in two packs, Dark and Light, and both packs feature a clean design that perfectly matches the refreshed interface of Windows 11.

Windows 11 cursors pack
Download the cursors here: Windows 11 Cursors Concept v2 by rosea92
6. Android Material Cursors (Blue)
If you are an Android fan and you love Google's material design a lot, maybe you would enjoy a taste of it on your Windows computer too, by using the Android Material Cursors scheme. Fortunately, it also comes with an INF file, so it is easy to install it.

Android Material Cursors (Blue)
Mouse cursor download: Android Material Cursors.
7. Overwatch Pointer
Overwatch is currently one of the most popular first-person shooter games, with over 60 million players around the world. If you’re one of them, or if you like gaming cursors, you’ll love the Overwatch Pointer cursor pack.

Overwatch Pointer pack
You can get the standard pack here: Overwatch Pointer, and the black version here: Blackwatch Pointer.
GTCC is a custom cursor pack that offers clean and monochromatic pointers for Windows. The pointers are gray and have a curved appearance, unlike most other cursors in our list. Their shape has drawn our attention, and because we liked them, we believe some of you might too. Furthermore, you can easily install them on your Windows PC by running the install.inf file included in the pack.

Mouse cursor download: GTCC - cursor for Windows.
9. Opera Gx Cursor
Opera GX is a special version of the Opera browser, built specifically for gamers. The browser has some unique features: CPU, RAM, and Network limiters, Discord & Twitch sidebars and more. It also has a very particular design, which is now matched by this excellent cursor pack:

The Opera GX cursor pack
Mouse cursor download: Opera Gx Cursor
10. Volantes Dark Cursor Set
Here’s another dark cursor pack that we like. The archive includes standard-sized cursors, as well as smaller versions.

Volantes Dark cursor set
Mouse cursor download: Volantes-Dark.
11. Metro X1 Animated Cursors Set
Okay, too many dark cursors in the list, time to liven things up a little. The Metro X1 package has quite a few multi-colored cursors, if that’s your thing:

Metro X Cursor Set
You can download the Metro X1 Cursor Set here: Metro X1 Animated Cursors Set.
12. Gant Cursor Pack
This cursor pack is based on the popular Gant icon set that is used for customizing Windows, Linux, etc. This pack of mouse cursors contains two color schemes: yellow and blue, and each of them has two cursor sets. In other words, there are a total of four sets of mouse cursors, located in four separate folders.

Gant Cursor Pack
Mouse cursor download: Gant Cursor Pack
13. VS cursor (version 2.0)
This mouse cursor theme features a clean and simple design, with just enough color to keep it interesting. The archive contains two separate cursor packs, one with shadows and one without.

VS cursors (version 2.0)
Mouse cursor download: VS cursor (version 2.0). The user who created this pack has also created quite a few other beautiful cursor packs. You can find all of them here: vladsukhetskyi - Interface Designer | DeviantArt.
14. Oxy-Neon Cursors
Do you want something more visible? Well, it doesn’t get much more visible than having neon-colored cursors. You have several colors to choose from: blue, orange, pink, red, white, and our favorite, ow-my-eyes green. Each set has its own installation file, so it’s super-easy to add the theme to your Windows device.

These icons are visible from across the room
Download the mouse cursor theme here: Oxy-Neon Cursors.
15. Kuttu and Chinnu cursors
If you’re tired of the same ol’ designer cursors, with fluid design and macOS look, here’s a pointer pack that’s the complete opposite: made with free lines and hand drawing, without any design rules in mind. The creator of this pack also draws cartoon characters, and it shows:

The cursors in this set look hand-drawn
Mouse cursor download location: cursors by anoop-pc.
16. Cursors Kawaii Cute Hello Kitty
For those who love the worldwide phenomenon that is Hello Kitty, here is a mouse cursor set featuring the cute Japanese icon. This cursor scheme does not contain an INF file. However, it can be used if you follow the recommendations shared in its description.

Hello Kitty cursors
Mouse cursor download: Kawaii Cute Hello Kitty. Please note that you have to wait 35 seconds before the download begins if you don’t want to create an account on the website.
17. Direction
Here is Direction, a more unusual set of mouse pointers, which you might enjoy. You can see how they look in the picture below.

Direction cursor pack
Mouse cursor download: Direction
18. Mario Gant
Here’s a set of high-quality custom cursors based on the Super Mario character. Pretty awesome, right?

Mario Gant
Mouse cursor download: Mario Gant
19. UNDERSized
A set of simple and small-sized cursors for those who like tiny mouse pointers.

UNDERSized cursor pack
Mouse cursor download: UNDERSized
20. Krystall CS
A unique and colorful mouse pointer set. This cursor pack does not include an INF file for easy installation. However, it can be used if you follow the recommendations shared in its description to assign each custom mouse cursor manually.

Krystall Cursor Pack
Mouse cursor download: Krystall CS
21. Anathema Pink Cursor
How do you feel about the color pink? If you like it, here’s an excellent animated cursor pack by Anaidon-Aserra. The pack has a clean, modern design and contains 15 cursors (plus a few bonus ones).

Anathema Pink Cursor pack
The pack is available for download here: Anathema Pink Cursor. The good news is that if you like the design but dislike the color, you can also download the set in red, blue, and white.
22. Crystal Clear
Crystal Clear is a translucent mouse cursor set. If you want to see what is behind your mouse pointer, you should try this scheme. It uses material design and blends nicely with Windows’ flat UI.

Crystal Clear cursor pack
Mouse cursor download: Crystal Clear v4.1
23. StartCraft 2
Are you a StarCraft fan? If the answer is yes, the StarCraft 2 mouse cursor theme is precisely what you might need to complete your StartCraft computer customization. The only downside is the fact that this theme does not offer any installer, so to get it on your computer, you have to follow the steps from its readme file.

StartCraft 2 cursor pack
Mouse cursor download: StartCraft 2
24. Radium 2
If you're searching for a mouse cursor theme that's intricate and simple at the same time, look no further, as Radium 2 is probably what you want. The detailed design and the beautiful shapes of the custom cursors will surely make you want them on your desktop. Radium 2 also includes an INF file that you can use to install the custom cursor theme on your computer.

Radium 2 cursors
Mouse cursor download: Radium 2
25. Vigyori 2
Is there anyone out there who doesn't like emoticons? Why not try some emoticon-based mouse cursors? What could be better than seeing a smiling face each morning when you turn your computer on? For a brighter and happier desktop, try Vigyori (which, by the way, means Smile in Hungarian). 🙂

Vigyori cursors
Mouse cursor download: Vigyori (2nd version)
26. Cupcake
Have you ever wished for a mouse cursor pack that is so cute that your heart melts? OK, maybe not yours, if you are a tough guy, but your daughter's might, if you get the Cupcake mouse cursors on her Windows device.

Cupcake cursors
Mouse cursor download: Cupcake
27. Mickey Mouse
This is yet another cute cursor scheme designed primarily for children, but also for some nostalgic grown-ups. 🙂 If your children love Mickey Mouse and everything about it, you can surprise them with these "cartoon mouse" cursors.

Mickey Mouse cursors
Mouse cursor download: Mickey Mouse
28. Hirochi Sunburst AWD Cursors
If you happen to be passionate about racing cars, you’ll recognize the cursors in this pack immediately. They are all based on the Subaru Impreza WRX, and their quality is excellent: the archive contains both standard and high-resolution cursor packs. You don’t get an installation file, but you can follow the tutorial presented in the introduction to this article to install them on your system.

The Hirochi Sunburst AWD Cursors are all about racing cars
Download the cursor pack here: Hirochi Sunburst AWD Cursors.
29. Warframe Cursor Pack 1
Warframe is a role-playing third-person shooter that has captivated the hearts and minds of many gamers. The game itself is free to play and features superb graphics, and these two features are also present on this cursor pack inspired by the game.

Warframe Cursor Pack 1
Mouse cursor download: Warframe Cursor Pack 1.
30. ASUS ROG Cursor Set
We end this list with a cursor pack made for fans of the ASUS ROG brand. The pack contains 17 cursors which can be installed manually on your computer.

ASUS ROG cursors
Download the cursor pack from here: ASUS ROG Cursor Set.
What is your favorite mouse cursor pack?
To create this article, we tried lots of mouse cursor schemes, and we shared the best we could find. We hope that you have enjoyed this roundup. If you did, do not hesitate to share it with others. Also, if you feel like searching for more mouse cursor schemes, you should try the Windows Cursors section from DeviantArt. It is a great place to start your search.